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The Surrey Police Board. Here for all of us. Providing independent, civilian oversight to Surrey Police Service.

The Surrey Police Board was established on June 29, 2020 as an independent body from both City Council and the provincial government, providing civilian oversight to Surrey Police Service. Governed by the Police Act, the Board performs four main governance roles:

  • Employing all sworn and civilian staff of Surrey Police Service
  • Setting policy and providing direction to the Chief Constable
  • Overseeing the budget for Surrey Police Service
  • Being the authority for Service or Policy complaints against Surrey Police Service.

The Surrey Police Board has nine directors: seven are provincially appointed, one director is appointed from city council, and one director is appointed through a city council motion. Board appointments can be for as little as one year or for up to a maximum of six years for any one Board member. In the past, the Mayor of the City was the Chair of the Board. Under the new Police Act, the Chair is now elected by the Board.

The Surrey Police Board is composed of residents, business owners and people with a vested interest in the City of Surrey.